5 May, 2022
If you are signed up to receive the Weekly Weeder and have not been receiving it, here is a troubleshooting page to help. If this doesn't help, please let Sharon at scgardenweb@gmail.com know. Thanks.
In this Issue:
- Micah 6 Donations
- Tidings from the Tool Shed
- Next Workday: May 21st, 8am
- Reminder: All Gardener's Meeting May 21st, 10am
- Bios for the Upcoming Board Election
- Reminder: Perimeter Fence Construction is Underway
- Service Hours task list
Micah 6 Donations!
Donations of produce increased significantly in April. The beautiful lettuce is one of the more than 50 heads donated by super-gardener Bob Easter. Thank you Bob, and thank you to everyone who has donated to the food pantry.
April Donations:
- Produce - 111.5 pounds
- Dry Goods - 0 pounds
Year to Date Totals:
- Produce - 229.5 pounds
- Dry Goods - 102 pounds
Donations of fresh produce and dry goods (canned foods, dry beans, etc...) for the Micah 6 Food Pantry may be left in the cool room (south end of the trailer) or in the trailer refrigerator. We no longer keep a cooler on the trailer porch for Micah 6 donations; please bring your donations inside. There are both paper and plastic sacks in the cool room if needed.
Delivery to the food pantry is every Saturday morning around 9am, during peak harvest months an additional Thursday afternoon delivery will be added.
Thank you again for your continued generosity. We look forward to the always bountiful spring garden harvest. -- Photos and text by Walter Kuhl
Tidings from the Tool Shed
Gardeners, do you know Sunshine is the only Community Garden which provides such a vast amount of tools to help make gardening easier. We are extremely lucky to have so many tools and such great selections of different tools. Tools are very expensive to purchase. Please help us by using the right tool for the job.
Broken Tools usually are an indication our gardeners are using the wrong tool for the job or the tool is being improperly used. Notice the bent digging fork (right) with the completely bent handle. That tool cost around $40. For the tool to be bent in that direction shows the gardener was digging too deeply in soil that was hardened or trying to lift a large rock or something buried in the ground.
Additional damage to tools can be seen above. On the left :a manure fork with a bent tine. The tine could not be repaired so it was cut off. Tool cost $45. And on the right: leaf and straight rake tools which have broken handles. These tools should not be used to move heavy soil or other items. A straight rake should be used to level soils or wood chips. Rake handles cost around $20.
-- Photos and writing by Bob Easter
Next Workday
The next Workday will conveniently take place just before the All-Gardeners Meeting on May 21st. Join zone coordinator Mary Gifford to take care of Sunshine's beautification, weed control and any special projects.
- When: Saturday, May 21 from 8am to 10am
- Where: Lawn in front of the trailer
Reminder: All-Gardener Meeting
- When: Saturday, May 21 from 10am to 11am
- Where: Lawn in front of the trailer
- Topics: The agenda will include election of the secretary, three directors, and also the Nominating Committee. (Election of the secretary and directors will continue online for five days after the meeting).
Bios for Board Elections
Bios can be found at http://sunshinecommunitygardens.org/index.php?p=home#elections_2022
Please vote!!!
Perimeter Fence Replacement Underway
TSBVI has begun work on replacing the perimeter fence at their campus, and the start date at Sunshine should be soon.
Perimeter Fence Replacement Start Date Set
May 4 is the date for TSBVI to begin work on replacing Sunshine's perimeter fence. The work will start on the TSBVI campus so exact date work will begin on Sunshine fence remains open.
Garden Tasks - By Steve Camp
Howdy! I hope everyone is having a great planting season so far!
Next Scheduled Workday - Saturday, May 21 from 8am to 10am
Tasks for Service Hours
Priority Tasks
- Mowing and edging along 49th St
- Maintaining common paths and common areas. If you have plants extending into common paths, trim them. The common paths are designed to allow the biggest wheelbarrows that we own to traverse them unimpeded.
- Weeding paths in TSBVI garden and wood chip areas on west side. (This is normally needed. Try to get out roots. Be sure to smooth out paths after weeding to facilitate TSBVI students moving around garden).
- Picking up trash in compost area and along fence lines.
- Cleaning the street curb gutters of dirt and debris buildup. (At places in the curb gutter along Sunshine Dr. And 49th St. soil has built up and grass is beginning to grow. Scrape off with shovel and put in wheelbarrow. If debris is gravel it can be put in low places in the parking lot, otherwise, destination is dumpster.
- Weeding granite area around raised beds.
- Mowing (Please check area around trailer and greenhouses). The mowing season is slowing down somewhat, let's get to work on the common paths. There is bermuda grass growing up in many spots that needs to be dug up.
- Maintaining common paths. (Gardeners are required to maintain a 2' strip of common paths adjacent to their plot.)
- Mowing and cleaning up overgrown/messy places in common areas.
Note: TSBVI hour tasks can also count as regular hours.
Your Zone Coordinator may have more tasks than are listed here. Contact them if you feel that you have run out of things to do.
Slow Down . . . You're on Garden Time! Enjoy!
Weeder Content
Temporary Weeder Editors
Kerry Drake and Kristin Phillips will serve as temporary editors of the Weeder for several issues. Gardeners wanting something published in the Weeder or having a question about the Weeder should contact Kerry (kerry@sunshinecommunitygardens.org) or Kristin (phillips.102@gmail.com) by the end of Wednesday preceding publication.