Sunshine Community Garden - the Community Garden Initiative of Central Texas
Board Meeting Minutes for 05-14-2013
Location: garden trailer
Board Members in attendance: Sue Brownlee, Jack Reynolds, Kay McMurry, Emily Tisinger
Gardeners in attendance: Jay Willman, Randy Thompson, Janet Adams
The secretary, Sue Brownlee, called the meeting to order and determined that quorum was present. The secretary, Sue Brownlee, distributed copies of the minutes for the previous meeting. Emily Tisinger, mad a motion to accept the minutes, Jack Reynolds seconded. The minutes were approved.
Bee Study
Kay McMurry presented a request from a UT research assistant who is doing research on the decline of bees in urban areas and would like to use the Sunshine Garden site as one of the area where she would conduct research. Kay made a motion that we approve the request and allow the research, Jack seconded and the motion carried.
Plots - Kay McMurry reported that all plots are assigned. Gardeners Cohen and Garcia have indicated that they will be leaving the garden.
Memorial Proposal
Ila Falvey has proposed a tree sculpture memorial for Sunshine gardeners who have passed on. She has made a request to the board decide on whether or not they would agree to allow the memorial to be put up at Sunshine GArdens. The board discussed how the memorial would be secured and where it would be installed, and what would be done with it if the garden had to leave the Sunshine Drive location. A motion was mad and seconded that we allow the memorial to be installed. Two board members voted in favor of the motion, and two members abstained, and motion was passed.
Tractor Search
Jay Willman gave a report on his reseaerch on what type of tractor the garden should purchase. Three models in the $16,000-$18,000 would fint our needs from these brands: LS G series, Kubota, and New Holland. The LS tractor has the drawback that it has a small market share, and repairs and maintenance could be costly compared to the other brands. Jack Reynolds made a motion that he and Jay Willman go the the Kubota, and New Holland dealers to negotiate with each dealer and proceed with the purchase of a tractor. Kay McMurry seconded the motion and the board voted to approve the motion.
The board discussed who would be authorized to use the tractor, and who would manage that Jay Willman agreed to be one would train and approve tractor operators. It was rocommended that gardeners who want to be authorized to be tractor operators attend the training offered by the dealer for that tractor.
The roof of the toolshed above the area where the tractor will be housed needs to be repaired, and the gate for that area needs a new lock.
Workdays - The date for the June workday has not yet be scheduled.
Annual All Gardeners Metting and Elections - This meeting has been scheduled at a previous board meeting and will be held on May 18th starting at 10:00am. There will be elections for officers and members for the Nominating Committee.
Nominating Committee - The Nominating Committee sent a report by email to the board with responses to survey questions from each of the candidates nominated by the committee. That report will be forwarded to the gardeners.
Other Items
Emily Tisinger received an email message from the Austin housing authority asking for collaboration on a community garden workshop on June 21. Emily porposed that we refer them to the Sustainable Food Center. Also the Northwest Neighborhood coalition has asked for input from Emily Tisinger on community gardening.
The new zone coordinator for Zone 8 is Irina Kadukova.
The Tomato Tasting has been scheduled for June 8, in the morning to avoid the midday heat.
The Tomato Test Plot needs a dozen posts and rope to secure the cages from blow over. This request was made by Randy Thompson. The board approved the request and will cover the purchase.
The plastic covering the greenhouse needs to be replaced. Jesse (a long time, former gardener) nees to be contacted for information on this. Emily Tisinger asked that we get an annoucement board for the back of the garden - she will look inot what is available and report back to the board.
The day for the next Board Meeting will be scheduled in June by the new president.
Adjournment - A motions was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned.