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Minutes from board meeting, October 21, 2014

Members Present: Ila Falvey, Janet Adams, Kay McMurry, Jack Reynolds, Linda Francescone, Michael Hall, Ginny Heilman

Old Business

  • Compost. Ila would like John Dromgoole to come look at compost to see if the material is breaking down at all. Randy and Janet will be included the meeting.
  • T-shirt Contest. Several designs have been submitted .Sharon has posted these on the website. Sharon will create an online ballot for members to vote and a notice will be put in the Weeder.
  • Name. The nonprofit organizational name of Sunshine is Community Garden Initiative of Texas. The question was raised whether the name we use for our site - Sunshine Community Garden - should be plural or not. Janet moved that the unofficial name be Sunshine Community Garden. Motion passed.
  • TSBVI Plant Sale. At this time, TSBVI does not plan to hold another fall plant sale. They may opt to conduct smaller plant sales or other activities to provide life experiences for their students. Jack moved we support TSBVI in these efforts throughout the year as needed. Motion passed.
  • Sunshine Plant Sale. The tent, new tarp, pots and soil have been ordered by Michael. Delivery is scheduled for November 4. He is working with volunteers to get set up for the herb and pass along plant portions of the sale.
  • Rabbits. Stewart back in town. Rabbit traps are now set up. The grass along the fence has been cut to eliminate some rabbit habitat. Gardeners need to be sure that plants and unused garden supplies are kept in a manner that allows for mowing and trimming.

New Business

  • Plots out of Compliance. We are looking at plots that appear to be out of compliance and determining whether the gardeners for each plot are intending to leave the garden or continue to remain at the garden. Janet will contact zone coordinators and ask them to follow up on non-compliant plots in their zones.
  • Plot report - Kay reported that the waiting list is 36. There appears to be an equal demand for 1/4, 1/2 and whole plots, with slightly more potential gardeners requesting a 1/4 plot. The average wait time is 6 mos. for full plot, 5 mos. for 1/2 plot, and 11 mos. for 1/4 plot.
  • Greenhouse repair. Janet contacted Jay to check what kind of wood needs to be put up to replace the damaged portion. Replacement plastic has been ordered and will be delivered November 4 with the supplies for the plant sale. Both greenhouses need to be weeded. All three of the doors need to be replaced.
  • Purple Martin House. Plastic houses provide better temperature and openings are better for martins, so the newest houses are plastic. The recommendation was that we go through two seasons with both types of houses up to allow the martins to become accustomed to the new house. That season is over so the two old houses will be disposed of since they are metal and get too hot for the martins.
  • Micah 6 Report. The PVC pipe has been cut for flags to be used for marking plots that are available for picking for Micah 6 donation. Gail Reese has designed a flag to use on the pipes. Linda and Gail will put the flags together.
  • Education Committee and duties. Linda will write up a notice for the Weeder asking for volunteers for this committee.
  • Phasing out Green Binder. Ginny moved that beginning January 1 the green binder in the shed will no longer be used. The motion passed. Ginny will write an announcement for Weeder to let gardeners know. The board set December 31 as the cutoff date for performing and entering service hours.
  • Bicycle Tour. Michael Hall and Linda Francescone will be at garden from 12-3 to answer questions for those participating in the bicycle tour.
  • A check for TSBVI's Horticultural and Animal Programs for $1776 will be written as soon as Jack is given all the information.
  • Garden Handbook Review. Board will look over and discuss at next meeting.
  • Next board meeting is November 11.
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:10.

Garden Thoughts



Board Meetings

Second Tuesday of every month.