Minutes from Board Meeting, February 17, 2015
Members Present: Ila Falvey, Janet Adams, Kay McMurry, Jack Reynolds, Ginny Heilman
Old Business:
Garden Handbook Document - Action delayed until there is more time to discuss.
Inspirational Letter - The letter will be sent through Weeder after the plant sale.
Compost - Janet has moved the piles; some people are harvesting from a pile that isn't ready yet. Signs will be posted to indicate areas that should not be harvested. People making deliveries from restaurants should rinse off bins by weed pile, not the compost area since the water stands there and makes a muddy spot.
Trailer Repair - Jack McEvoy hooked up the second toilet and he is working on replacing wood around the windows.
Greenhouse Repair - Victor repaired the door. The heat needs to be turned on so we can start putting pass along plants in there.
Compost Tea Generator - Waiting for information from Charlotte.
Zone Coordinators - Met with Janet, and there were no major concerns. Future work days were set.
Plant Sale - Breakfast - Kathleen Cobb is doing the breakfast for volunteers and band members again. A breakfast budget of up to $500 is approved. Banner - we have permit. Banners are ripped and need to be repaired before being hung. A couple of people are needed to go to Gabriel Valley the Tuesday before the Plant Sale to help load truck. Gabriel Valley reports that the plants look good.
New Business:
Exempt Positions - The board approved the list of exempt positions. People who accept responsibility for these positions are not required to record their regular service hours since the tasks require more than the regular service hours. TSBVI service hours still need to be performed and recorded.
Renewal of Plots and Payment Status - Jack presented the list of gardeners who have not paid for the fall for the board to review. Board members will contact people on the list.
Use of Trailer by Communities in Schools of Central Texas - April 4 request for meeting in building - conflict with Funky Chicken Tour, so we can't accommodate this request.
Sponsorship of TCMG Sale - Travis County Master Gardener's Sale. Ila will check with Carol Williams about what's involved in sponsorship and whether we want to sponsor. Board agreed to sponsor TCMG Sale for $150.
Compliance Issues - Sharon will send updated email list by zone to zone coordinators to be sure they have current emails for gardeners in their zones. If ZCs have more updated email, they should let us know. We need to be consistent about enforcing compliance.
"Weeder" - Updated email list will be generated from the database and sent to the Weeder editor periodically to help keep email list current.
Compost for Micah 6 and tomato plot - They will get separate compost after the plant sale instead of taking compost from what is delivered for the sale.
Status of Lawn Mowers - We need new lawnmowers. The board approved the purchase of at least two new lawnmowers.
Recent email about interview - Board approved taking part in the interview with Community Food Program.
Plot Report - Kay reported we have 34 on waiting list. Currently we have 5 plots available that have gardeners lined up.
Workday Saturday - Work day starts at 9. The All-Gardener's Meeting starts at 10.
Next Board Meeting - -