Minutes from Board Meeting, March 24, 2015,
Members Present: Ila Falvey, Janet Adams, Kay McMurry, Jack Reynolds, Michael Hall, Ginny Heilman
Old Business:
Garden Handbook Document Update - Jola Edwards and Katy Davis are working on updating the handbook.
Inspirational Letter - Ila will put in Weeder.
Compost - The big pile is open and ready to be harvested. We are still getting garbage in compost from outside contributors.
Compost Tea Generator - The compost tea generator is in action. There was a couple gallons left over; more is being made.
Zone Coordinators - Zone coordinators had nothing to report. Luda and Jody are hosting a work day on Saturday, March 28.
Plant Sale (Banner) - It will cost $1500 to buy a new banner, plus we'll get a $300 credit on the repair of the old one. It costs $600 for the city to hang it. The board discussed whether we need to have a banner or not. The previous banner lasted over 6 years. The board authorized Michael Hall to purchase new banner. The banner will be hung in front of Central Market on Lamar facing south. We will continue to display the old banners on the fence.
Compost for Micah 6 and Tomato Plot - Janet ordered compost for Micah 6 and the Tomato Test Plot from the Natural Gardener. It will be delivered Friday, March 27 between 2-4.
Sponsorship of TCMG Sale - Our $150 to support the Master Garden Plant Sale has been sent in. In return we will be named as a sponsor on their t-shirt.
Weeder distribution list - We will leave "contact Margaret" on website and continue to manage Weeder list as we have been doing in the past.
New Business:
Plant Sale Discussion
- Greenhouse: The combination of a shade cloth in the TSBVI greenhouse along with many cloudy days affected the herb growth. The plants ended up bleached out. The TSBVI greenhouse allows for more herbs to be started, but we want to make sure we're growing quality plants. Before next year's plant sale a decision will need to be made about which location maximizes herb plant production. Sunshine's old greenhouse needs work - thermostats need replacing and we need more pea gravel.
- Tomato Tent: We will look into the possibility of getting smaller tents for tomatoes next year to try keep from having the wind take it like it did this year.
- Plane Sale Revenue - It looks to be close to last year's total. Jack is waiting for final invoice/bank information before finalizing totals. A check for over $4000, representing 10% of the proceeds will be handed to TSBVI at the April potluck.
Compliance Issues - We need to contact gardeners who have seemingly neglected plots to determine if they intend to garden or not.
Status of Lawn Mowers - Bob Easter is looking at two smaller Hondas that will be easy to handle. The mowers will be about $350 each. Jack moved to authorize Bob to purchase the mowers for $350 each.
Trisha's Book signing & Celebration of successful plant sale - Ila will check with Trisha for time she can come do her book signing in conjunction with the potluck April 18.
Funky Chicken Coop Tour April 4 - Ila will put an announcement in the Weeder asking gardeners not to drive in and out on the day of the tour. Trailer will be off limits during the tour.
Service Hours Reminder in Weeder - Ila will put a reminder in the Weeder for gardeners to record service hours. Many gardeners appear to not have entered their Plant Sale Hours yet.
Moisture Meters - Ila will order some meters from Amazon. The meters are to be kept in the shed to try encourage gardeners to check moisture level of their garden before watering.
Plot Info - Kay reports all plots are rented.