Minutes from Board Meeting, April 14, 2015.
Members Present: Ila Falvey, Janet Adams, Kay McMurry, Jack Reynolds, Ginny Heilman
Others Present: Sharon Rempert
Old Business:
Garden Handbook Document Update: Handbook is still being worked on.
Potluck: Ila will check on supplies. TSBVI representatives are out of town, so they will not be there to accept check from the plant sale proceeds. The check will be delivered to them later. The price for Trisha Shirey's book will be publicized in the next Weeder.
Nominating Committee: The committee will try to enlist volunteers at the potluck. Openings are president, vice president, treasurer, and a one-year directorship.
Compost Tea: This will be moved to a different location since the doors on the greenhouse are fragile. Ultimately, a shaded structure is to be built close to the watering station by Micah 6.
Lawnmowers: Two new ones have been purchased. Kyle and Ross are taking responsibility for checking and changing the oil to help keep the mowers running longer. Mowers have been set to appropriate height.
Compost: The compost screens need to be repaired. Janet will put a request in the Weeder for a volunteer to repair the screens.
Gardens out of Compliance:. Compliance issues discussed include common pathway maintenance, creeping/ thorny plants, and a new trellis. The board voted to request that the trellis height be reduced to no more than 8 feet to be reduce the impact on neighboring gardens. Janet will do a walk through with Zone Coordinators and follow up on gardens out of compliance.
Plant Sale: The final total for proceeds won't be available until the end of next month. The invoice from Gabriel Valley was lost in transit.
New Business:
Slides: There are several carousels of slides in the office. Janet inquired if these could be digitized so they can be viewed and also to free up space in the office. Ila will check on prices for having the slides digitized.
Plot Fee Collection: Jack reported that getting invoices paid on time is a problem. In addition, some gardeners paid at the plant sale which makes accurate accounting more difficult. We need to find a way to get gardeners to pay invoices by the February 1 deadline using the payment options stated on the invoices.
Hold Harmless Waiver and Media Release: Janet shared information from a book on community gardens. The book mentions that gardens should have members sign a Hold Harmless Waiver and a Media Release. We will look into proper wording for these and include them in the garden contracts. We also talked about a welcome sign for the gate that not only welcomes visitors, but also states we assume no liability.
Plots: Kay reported there are three vacant plots.
Next Board Meeting: May 12 at trailer
All Gardener's Meeting: May 30