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Board Meeting Minutes-5/12/2015

Attending: Ila Falvey, Janet Adams, Jack Reynolds, Michael Hall, Kay McMurry

Old Business

Garden Handbook Document Update. Jola has finished edits, Katy Davis is reviewing and it will be sent to the board for their review.

Compost report. Janet Adams reported that trees are being dumped in the compost area. Gardeners are asked to stop people they see bringing trees/logs/brush to dump here. We need another Weekly Weeder notice about no logs in compost pile.

Michael Hall: his children's school is looking for local growers to supply produce.

Compost Tea Generator report. The compost tea project is going well. We may put signage there to let people know when it's ready.

Zone Coordinators report. Janet is asking Zone Coordinators if they want to stay. Need replacements for Cheryl Hazeltine, who is stepping down, and Jody Trendler, who has indicated that she's leaving at the end of this season.

Plant Sale (Banner) report. We have a $300 credit towards a new banner. The quote we have is $1500 minus the credit. Michael will handle getting a new banner with the following:
    Sunshine Community Garden
    Annual Plant Sale
    First Saturday in March
He will coordinate getting the necessary permit with Kathleen Cobb.

Sponsorship of Travis County Master Gardener (TCMG) Sale. We paid $150 and our name will appear on the back of their shirt.

New Compost Screens. Robert Jarry made new screens, including two extralarge ones for the larger wheelbarrows. Thank you, Robert! Micah 6. Micah 6 needs more volunteers for harvesting. They also have a program for picking gardens of people on vacation that needs to be more widely advertised.

New Business

Elections/nominating committee. We have a list of candidates for the vacant positions on the board. The nominating committee is soliciting biographies from the candidates for the Weeder. In addition to the board positions, we will need to elect another nominating committee.

Compliance Issues. We will follow our established procedures to deal with members who haven't worked on their plots.

Status of Lawn Mowers. Ross recently sharpened blades. Kyle and Ross are maintaining the mowers. We need to buy more blades.

Should we buy weed eaters? We decided that weed eaters will not be available to general gardeners because of liability issues. Ken Early will maintain our existing weed eaters. We will not buy more.

Service Hour reminder in Weeder. Charlotte sent info to Weeder.

All gardeners meeting - Agenda-will be short, presentation of check to TSBVI, thank you to volunteers, plant sale report. Workday begins at 8 am. Food will be provided-Michael and Janet will arrange it.

Check for TSBVI-will be presented at the All-Gardeners Meeting if the Superintendent of TSBVI can attend. The check will include the portion of the plant sale proceeds that we promised them plus the unworked TSBVI service fee remittance from our members.

Elections-nominations can be made from the floor. If none are made, we will not need to provide absentee voting. If we do have more than one candidate for any board position, we will need to provide it.

Wizzie Brown will answer insect questions after our annual meeting.

Tomato tasting. Ila has decided not to help run the tomato tasting. We are looking for someone to help with organizing it. Kay can continue to co-host it if we have it on June 13.

Canning class. There will be a canning class at the Sustainable Food Center sometime in June.

Graduation TSBVI-June 4 at 2 PM. Anyone can attend.

Donation to Ecology Action-$150 in August.

Membership in American Community Gardens will come up soon. We plan on keeping our membership current.

We need to renew our annual license with TSBVI in June. The new president will be tasked with taking care of that.

Michael asked if we could accept St. Andrew's organic lunch waste for our compost operations and Janet stated that we don't have room.

Garden Thoughts



Board Meetings

Second Tuesday of every month.