August 11, 2015 Board meeting-Sunshine
UT PR project has selected us as a client and assigned us an account executive. Below are some of the possible items they can deliver to us:
- community awareness-blogs
- media-posters, flyers, reach specific audiences
- survey gardeners on what we're doing well/needs improvement
New shed for the lawnmowers- quote $2300 10'x12'
Bob Easter willing to supervise installation
Beehive tour this Saturday
Two letters sent out to gardeners whose plots are out of compliance. One is traveling, the other is withdrawing.
We discussed using UV protected plastic for solarizing soil in really weedy plots.
Site rule changes. We discussed potential changes to billing,
including a penalty for late payment, and having people pay annually
and possibly refund second season if they withdraw before the year
is out.
We will check withdrawal form to make sure it complies with
the site rules.
We would still bill for service hours midseason
Roof needs repair but we still haven't found anyone to work on it.
We discussed getting gravel for dumper pad and maybe parking area. The weight of our trash container is causing the soil to sink, resulting in water pooling.
Shade area for TSBVI-Jim will contact neighboring gardeners to make sure they're not encroaching.
We plant to generate a list of exempt people and remind them that the TSBVI hour is owed by everyone.
Martin, our Coordinator for zone 1 offered to bring his bbq grill for a garden social
We discussed putting in a playscape for children, maybe near the chimney swift tower.
We discussed using email blasts for disseminating info instead of using the zone coordinators. It was suggested that this be a duty of the secretary.
Mulching paths project-Jim will have Jay move wood chips to area to be spread.
Plants behind trailer will need to be moved when the gardener owning them gets a full plot
Water bill down 23% from last year
utilities/waste hauling- only bills paid every month
25% of those sent bills haven't paid. We will give it a couple more days then send a reminder then split up list and follow up with calls.