Minutes from All Gardeners Meeting, September 12, 2015
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Jim Willmann after determining a quorum was present.
- Jim welcomed the attendees and thanked everyone participating in the work day.
- The board is working on a consistent enforcement of compliance across the garden.
- Shannon Posern has been appointed Secretary for Ginny's remaining term.
- Service hours can be gained by clearing plots before new gardeners take them over. Contact Kay to learn which need to be cleared.
- Fall Plant Sale is October 1 - 3
- Cashiers are needed. Contact Jenn if you are available.
- Compost tea will be for sale.
- We will be using Square again for our credit card cashiers.
- Compost Update:
- Please put Khaki weed, large sticks over 1/2 inch in diameter, and plant tags in the dumpster.
- If you find trash in the compost pile, buckets are available next to the compost piles. Please empty the buckets into the trash.
- Please turn off the hoses after every use. Even if you have a sprayer attached with a cut-off option, you need to turn off the hose at the base.
- Kay and Shannon attended the Association of Community Gardeners
Conference in Denver, Colorado.
- If you are interested in attending future conferences, please let the board know.
- A copy of the schedule will be made available to all gardeners in the Weekly Weeder. Please contact Kay or Shannon if you have any questions about the conference.
- Girl Scouts will be providing mason bee houses around the garden for their silver and gold awards.
- Austin Children's Shelter has become a partner of the garden. Teens will tour the garden once a month.
- The meeting was adjourned by the vice president.