Board Meeting March 8, 2016
Members Present: Jeff Monks, Jim Willmann, Kay McMurry, Caroline Limaye, Shannon Posern, Katie Davis, Nicole Fisher, Michael Hall
TSBVI - Nicole Fisher
- Career banquet at TSBVI - Two people from garden invited as a thank you.
- Shade Structure plans are done. The workday will be scheduled soon to start construction. She would like this to be finished by end of school year.
- Storage shed - Need help painting the shed for TSBVI hours. If someone has artistic skills and would like to paint a mural
- Nicole will be leaving for a time over the summer. Some students should be taking over. She might need help from someone to supervise the student's tasks.
Work days -
- Tasks that need down - Mower Shed installed, floor rebuilt in the tool shed, paths cleared, compost bins built, crew to clean plots before new gardeners take over, leanto to keep compost screeners, kids garden, move notice board to the parking lot.
- Considering adding to the site rules that 2 hours of your service hours need to be at a special project. Will table for continued contemplation.
Zone Coordinators -
- We need to give our zone coordinators more direction on what is and is not compliance. Coordinators will input their ideas about what is underutilized gardening and we will develop guidelines to move forward to ensure consistency.
Accessibility Committee -
- It was suggested that we create an accessibility committee to address the needs of our gardeners that are struggling with their plot due to illness, injury, and/or other hardship. The committee would help coordinate service projects to help those gardeners in need.
Plant Sale - Michael Hall
- Overall the sale went very well. We still need credits/debits totals.
- For the future -
- Tomatoes - What do we want to provide? How many varieties? Instead of 17,000, should we drop down to 14,000.
- Gabriel Valley taxed with our demand and their regular products to nurseries. We will need to plan limits for plants with Gabriel valley.
- Do we need insurance for future plant sales? Would be back up in case we have a year with a bad storm and/or plant damage.
- We will have a post-sale meeting after a break for those that worked the sale to discuss how we can improve for 2017.
- Succession planning -
- This was Michael Hall's last year as sale coordinator. We are very appreciative of all his hard work over the years making this sale great.
- We need people to step up to be coordinators for next year's sale.
Plot Coordinator -
- Currently have 40 people on the waiting list.
Financials -
- Currently closing out plant sale. Will have a financial report at the next meeting.
- We are shutting down the gas for the summer to avoid paying for something we do not use.
Other Business -
- Whole Foods - photo shoot. For kids garden.
- Hardships - The board is looking at a procedure for gardeners having financial troubles to request a temporary hardship. One possibility is having a small fee added into gardener's annual fees. This hardship assistance fee could be opting in or automatic. We will table to allow for more debate.