6/7/16 Board Meeting
Presiding Officer - Jeff Monks, President
Minutes recorded by: Shannon Posern, Secretary
In attendance: Jim Willmann, Carol Limaye, Bill Cason, Randy Thompson, Lori Dobbin
- New Board Orientation (Jeff Monks)
- Notes - Record Keeping needs to be more formalized.
- Evernote - Bill will look into using Evernote to store board documents.
- Executive Session
- Carol motion to research and identify plots that have encroached into neighboring gardeners
plots. Second Randy.
- Discussion - Small group of people to actually implement(Randy).
- Carol - Is it obvious when people are encroaching?
- Jim - No. Would need to measure each plot. The larger problem are gardeners that do not understand they have done anything wrong.
- Amendment Carol - Address as we become aware of the situation within renewal period.
- Parliamentary procedure - Jim - Postponed until next meeting.
- Looking for new zone coordinator. Identifying candidates.
- Jim MOTION. Temporary policy until the official item could be located not share personal contact information of gardeners. Those with contact information should only use for official business. Carol Second. Passed.
- Driveway (Jeff Monks) - widening to allow people to pass. Make clear for driving not
parking. Clearing vines to 12 feet either side to increase visibility.
- Having a pull out to allow for gardeners to safely pass.
- Carol Motion to for the board to vote before
any permeant structures can be added. Second - Jeff.
- Discussion - Bill - Do we want to vote on every little thing?
- Jeff - What is permeant?
- Jim - Jeff has certain leeway for approval.
- Carol - Amendment - Permeant structure that requires TSBVI approval. Ask superintendent what his thoughts on permeant structure are. Withdraw.
- Randy - Motion for policy to be that the board to discuss work projects as they come up in person at meetings or via email. Bill second. Passed
- Jeff Motion to increase width of the driveway to facilitate traffic passing safely and creating a pullout. Jim second. Passed
- Financial Report - (Carol)
- Big insurance bills due. Need to look at adjusting insurance to reflect what we do and to allow for a playscape for kids.
- We are a member of TANO. Carol will send out passwords.
- Send out financial policies from previous board to be included in the document archive.
- New Community Garden - Airport and Lamar. Need to be endorsed by another non-profit.
- Do we want to provide for the endorsement?
- Jim - We need to be more involved with the community and be out there? But do we want to bring them under us?
- Randy - City community garden requirements are different than our site rules.
- Jim Motion for Jeff to open discussions about Community garden initiative the potential to assist their new community garden. SECOND Bill. Passed.
- Selection of Attendees for ACGA - Cleveland
- 4 gardeners total. 1 TSBVI, 2 Sunshine gardeners, and one from another local community garden.
- Announcement in the Weeder this week.
- Compost Peddlers agreement. (Jeff)
- Previous agreement basically an MOU.
- If we decide to reach a new agreement, we do not want to supply finished compost. Neither group was compliant in original agreement. Non acceptable items negotiations. 90 days without cause.
- Do we need their compost? Is the quality of the compost material worth it? If we say no to the shed will they stop bringing?
- Next action Jeff and Jim will talk to TSBVI.
Meeting Adjourn 8:40.