7/5/2016 Board Meeting
Presiding Officer - Jeff Monks, President
Minutes taken by - Shannon Posern, Secretary
Present - Lori Dobbin, Jim Willmann, Randy Thompson, Bill Cason
- Executive Session
- Previous Meeting Minutes - Jim
- Minutes are APPROVED by consensus with the corrections discussed.
- Research Proposal -
- Jeff received a request from researchers to have access to our garden for their study on community gardens.
- Jeff MOTION to approve proposal to give researchers access to the garden for their research project. Second Jim. PASSED.
- New community garden - Nothing new to the report.
- Compost Peddlers update - Nothing new to report.
- ACGA Attendees -
- Jeff Taylor only person that contacted Shannon. Jenn is interested if no one else wanted to attend.
- Jeff will follow up with ACGA to purchase tickets to the conference.
- Evernote Demo - Bill will resend credentials to board.
- Front Entry Congestion - Moved the logs to allow a pull out for cars to pass.
- Final Decision on oversized plot - A gardener has a plot that is the equivalent size of a full plus a quarter plot. That doesn't mean he will always have that as long as he gardens here. Board reserves the right to redraw the boundaries. For now, we will plan to reevaluate when we reassign a plot. We found documentation to this irregular plot size and will honor it for now. We will also not make him pay extra, but we reserve the right to adjust his plot size to the standard size.
- Scheduling All Gardeners meeting
- September 17 and December 3.
- Revised Membership Contract - Jim
- Membership contract was not consistent. Jola and Kay worked on the contract and made room for up to 3 secondary gardeners.
- Jeff MOTION to adopt/approve new membership contract. Bill Second. Passed
- Membership Cards - Requests have been made for membership cards to utilize discounts at
Bright Ideas. Will hand out at the all gardeners meeting and will put a note in the weeder to
remind of discount and cards.
- We will look into the possibility of having a digital generated card on the website.
- Possible site rule changes -
- Non-compliance criteria -
- Define active and inactive gardeners. Take to the zone coordinators after talking to the board. Come back to the board after speaking with zone coordinators. Board will discuss the proposal at the next meeting.
- Board authority to wave site rules in special circumstances -
- Board has granted waivers for years. We want to put an official procedure in the site rules.
- Secondary gardener becoming primary gardener.
- Submitted change
___. Secondary Gardener's Option To Be Assigned Plot
If a primary gardener on a plot voluntarily withdraws, a secondary gardener on the plot shall have a first option to be assigned the plot if 1) the secondary gardener signed the membership contract as a secondary gardener at least six month before the withdrawal effective date, 2) the plot is cleared of weeds and crops past their prime and in good condition for reassignment (i.e., primary gardener is eligible for a clean-up fee refund), and 3) the board approves the secondary gardener's request to be the primary gardener. To exercise this option, the secondary gardener must notify the plot rental coordinator by the withdrawal effective date, sign a new membership contract as primary gardener, and pay same fees as a new gardener (membership fee, tool co-op fee and plot clean up fee). The only way for a secondary gardener on a plot to become the primary gardener is through this process. - Jim MOTION to adopt the rule as distributed for secondary gardeners. Second Lori. Passed
- Submitted change
- Non-compliance criteria -
- Hold below for approval until Carol can offer her input.
- Clarification refund process - Refunds only for completion of the withdraw form.
- Trellises on the borders.
- Verbal withdraw - Send an email to the person giving the verbal withdraw to confirm that they are leaving or have left the garden.
- Moratorium until next meeting on creating new 1/2 and quarter plots to develop guidelines for creating new plots.
- Jeff MOTION creating any new plots needs to have approval of the board first. Second Bill. PASSED
- New gardener orientations.
- Randy mentioned having an orientation within a month of a new gardener.
- Compost screens and some wheel barrels stored by the compost.
- Bill MOTION to leave screens where they are. Lori Second. Passed with one abstention.
- Measuring the plots.
- When plots are reassigned, we measure, stake it and if it is feasible, adjust to make it the standard size. We are not advocating adjusting every plot every time. We help Kay make this happen.
- Readdress encroachment on common paths.
Adjourn 8:28