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10/13/16 board meeting

Presiding Officer - Jeff Monks

Minutes recorded - Carol Limaye

Members Present - Jim Willmann, Lori Dobbin, Carol Limaye, Randy Thompson and Bill Cason

Others Present - Kay McMurry, Plot Rental Coordinator

  • Replacement of Secretary - Shannon Posern's schedule changed and she will no longer be able to be on the board and act as secretary. Short-Term: Randy will ask some past secretaries and board members if they would be interested in being the acting secretary. Long-Term: Jeff will ask the Nominations Committee to recommend a replacement.
  • Measuring Plots - The problem is having consistent paths. To create paths in all cases may take footage from existing garden space. Also, there is no fixed point to measure the plots. Board decided to review paths and plots only on complaint or when we are splitting plots. Quarter plots are a special case and we will not add new quarter plots unless there is room for a common path.
  • September 2016 Financial Report - The September 2016 Financial Report was presented by the Treasurer and accepted by the Board after some discussion. We made a small profit from the compost buys, but there will not be more this season. Resolved:
    • The $250 donated by Recognize Good will be donated to All Blind Children of Texas, an auxiliary organization of the Texas School for the Blind and Vision Impaired (TSBVI)
    • We will give $3,800 to TSBVI from the Fall Plant Sale.
    • The checks will be given to Bill Daugherty at the Holiday Party on December 3. It was also noted that we gave 100-200 plants to Gullett Elementary and Urban Roots.
    A total of $170 was collected from individual gardeners, and with the $100 donation from Sunshine Community Gardens, a total of $270 can be donated to Mobile Loaves and Fishes. The Treasurer will make the donation and send acknowledgement letters to the individual gardeners and to Mrs. Early.
  • Spring Plant Sale - Marilyn and Will have agreed to help. Randy will ask Bob Easter to work on promotion. Janet will be able to call around to rent facilities. Ila will be the Volunteer Coordinator. Everyone should ask gardeners to work in leadership positions in planning the plant sale.
  • Plot Report - Kay McMurry, Plot Rental Coordinator, presented the plot report for October, which will also be posted on the web site. Kay was questioned if existing gardeners get priority for switching plots to larger or smaller plot sizes. No. Do existing gardeners get priority when requesting parallel changes (same plot size). Yes. Kay also said there may be some upcoming opportunities to create new plots and adjust the alignment between plots. In general, more volunteers are needed to help clear vacant plots. Jim will ask Jola Edwards about modifying the Withdrawal Form to provide option to donate plot fee refunds.
  • TSBVI Service Hours - By consensus, Board agreed to keep list of tasks qualifying for TSBVI service hours as minimal as possible. The maintenance of the plots for the disabled will be on the list. Board approved Jim's list to be posted on the web site and sent to zone coordinators.

New Business:

Irina K. has to drop out as zone coordinator for now, so we will need a new ZC.

Should we ask for volunteers to be the Greenhouse manager? Yes.

Garden Thoughts



Board Meetings

Second Tuesday of every month.