11/10/16 Board Meeting
Presiding Officer - Jeff Monks
Minutes recorded - Polly Porter
Members Present - Jim Willmann, Lori Dobbin, Carol Limaye, Randy Thompson and Bill Cason
Requests for waivers
- Lindsay Howell Miller
Request - Waive additional hours because of new baby
Vote - All in favor of waiving her additional hours - PLAN (Planning living Assistance Network)
Request a half plot and waive all fees
The need for service hours will be evaluated over time based on capabilities of clients.
Vote - All in favor of waiving all fees
Inactive Gardener Rules
- Decision to require the zone coordinator and president to be involved in inactive gardener process.
- Final rules will be send to zone coordinators for review.
- Final approval of rules contingent on review/approval from zone coordinators. Jim will coordinate this.
- The board will be informed of status via email.
Financial Report
- There is money in budget for special projects.
- Potential projects - Will discuss and agree in next board meeting.
Carol will provide estimates.
- Green house windows
- Redo Deck and overhead structure on trailer - Need to do soon due to rotting wood
- Tool shed floor
- Playground equipment / Whole Foods donates to schools so we might be able to do through School for the Blind. Need to consider a sun shade.
- Front gate replacement
Front Gate
- Needs a "In case of emergency" sign with a phone#. We need to figure out how to rotate a call # or use the School for the Blind security #.
Plot Reports
- 62 people are on the waiting list
- 2 half plots & one 1/4 plot available.
All Gardeners meeting and Pot Luck - 12/3 5:00 PM
- Jeff will contact Ila & John and see they want to decorate and coordinate. Ila sent email for Weeder that it is at 5:00.
- Meeting agenda:
- Plant sale - Randy
- Inactive plot discussion - Jeff
Plant Sale Update
- Tent Rental - Discount if you pay for before end of year.
- Porta Potty - Randy has contacted and reserved.
- Trash - We will use our own trash cans and Randy will purchase a few more.
- The board is accountable. Plant sale coordinators will update board on status regularly.
- Gabriel Valley Farms has been contacted on what will ordered. Ordering needs to be done soon.
- Pass Along Plants - Susan P.
- Signs - Need a volunteer
- Lunch for volunteers - May need to be catered.
- Vendors and silent auction - needs a volunteer
- We need to schedule work days every weekend in February. Garden needs to be cleanup in preparation.
- UT Tower kids (UT PR and marketing degree program) are working on a brochure that can be passed out at the garden sale. We will have an informational table.
- We need to empty the dumpster before plant sale rather than move for the plant sale.
Plot Withdrawal Form
- Provide an option to have a picture sent to Carol to confirm plot is clear. With this proof of a cleared plot she can send refund. Plot must be clear before they get refund.
- Kay and Carol need to coordinate and can determine the process that works best for them.
Secondary Gardeners inherit from primary gardeners
- When people with multiple plots that have been grandfathered in leave the garden their secondary gardener could inherit all their plots. We are trying to illuminate over time those gardeners with multiple plots.
- Proposed new policy - If you are a secondary gardener on more than one plot if the primary gardener leaves you can only inherit ownership of 1 plot.
- This may be problematic since there is not rule that limits the number of plots you can be a secondary gardener on.
- Randy will follow-up with Kay to understand the current informal policy.
Storage rules
- Per agreement with TSBVI we should not use the garden for storage.
- Current storage we need to look at:
- Pallets of border rocks/ Jeff will move. These are for the circular herb garden.
- Cedar posts /
- Speed limit signs / OK for now
Follow-up Next Meeting
- Jim - Inactive gardener policy feedback or approval from zone coordinators
- Randy - Secondary gardener inheritance policy status.
- Randy - Update on plant sale
- Jeff - TSBVI storage rule - Status of cleanup
- Carol - List of potential projects and estimated costs
- All - Front gate sign for emergency contact