2 June, 2022
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In this Issue:
- Workday This Weekend!
- Harvest Faces
- SCG Election Results 2022
- Tool Shed Improvement
- Remember Plant Waste Disposal Change at Sunshine
- June 30 Deadline for Service Hours
- Micah 6 Food Bank Harvest Amounts
- Service Hours Task List from Steve Camp
Need volunteer hours? There will be a Workday this Saturday, June 4, from 8 am to 10 am. It will be led by Karl Arcuri! Join the effort to make Sunshine shine!
Harvest Faces
Sunshine's Kerry Drake still plays with her food! Seriously, though, her lovely creations that incorporate her daily harvest are an inspiration a la Giuseppe Arcimboldo.
SCG Election Results 2022
SCG elections took place last week. We had 32 gardeners vote by paper at the All Gardener Meeting and 49 members vote online. A hearty thank you to those who ran for office. Our new Board Directors are Iris Slevins, Juan Pedro Maestre, and Kay McMurry. Kerry Drake was elected to return in the role of Secretary.
Thank you to Mike Reed for his willingness to run for a director position.
Thank you to the 81 gardeners who took the time to vote in the SCG Board
--Kerry Drake
Tool Shed Improvement
Sunshine's tool coordinator Bob Easter continues to make improvements in the tool shed so gardeners can easily locate needed tools. The latest improvement is installing an additional plywood panel by the door for hanging tools. This will make more tools easier to find. Many of the tools on the new panel used to be stacked together in a rack at the north end of the shed.
Gardeners can help keep the tool shed well organized by cleaning and
returning tools to their proper location. Thanks to Bob for his work as
tool coordinator and making the tool shed improvements.
-- Jim Willmann
Remember Plant Waste Disposal Change at Sunshine
As reported in last week's Weeder, effective immediately. plant waste is to be disposed of as follows:
Dumpster | Plant waste pile in compost area |
No Plant Material - None All plant material goes to compost area |
All Sunshine Plant Material No Outside Plant Material No Nonplant Material |
See the Sunshine website for more information.
-- Jim Willmann
June 30 Deadline for Service Hours
Spring service hours must be completed by June 30th and recorded in Green Binder by July 7. Gardeners joining Sunshine prior to January 1, 2022, will be billed for unworked hours. New gardeners joining after January 1, 2022 must work all of their prorated service hours.
Micah 6 Food Bank Harvest Amounts
May Donations:
- Produce - 199 pounds
- Dry Goods - 14 pounds
Year to Date Totals:
- Produce - 422.5 pounds
- Dry Goods - 116 pounds
Donations of produce are increasing every week. Check out the photos of last week's beautiful delivery of over 118 pounds! Thank you!! It is easy to see why Sunshine produce is so popular with Micah 6 clientele.
June and July are our busiest months. Starting this week, there will be two deliveries to the food pantry each week, instead of one. In addition to the usual 9am Saturday delivery, there will be a second delivery at 5pm on Thursday.
Please consider donating excess harvest to the Micah 6 Food Pantry.
Donations of fresh produce may be left in the cool room (south end of the
trailer) or in the trailer refrigerator. Dry goods (canned goods, dry beans,
ect...) may be left in the cool room. Thank you again for your continued
--Walter Kuhl
Garden Tasks - By Steve Camp
Next Workday
June 4 form 8 am to 10 am!
New Gardeners
There are several new gardeners at SCG! Please don't hesitate to introduce yourself and y'all get to know each other a little and share garden knowledge and tips. Let's emphasize the Community in Community Garden.
Additionally, please read handbook and site rules. Any hardware (hoses, sprayers, nozzles, splitters etc.) attached to garden faucets and maintenance of said items are the responsibility of individual gardeners, not garden staff.
Roads and Parking
Speed limit is 3 MPH. (Primarily for safety, but also to keep the dust down.)
Sunshine's roads provide access to plots and common areas.
Gardeners should not
- park on roads except to unload a heavy load from vehicle,
- drive on roads when wet,
- drive around barriers,
- drive into another gardener's plot, or
- put plants or other items in the road.
Cars may not be left idling while at the garden.
Park only in the front parking area or your common area. On weekends there are parking spaces on Sunshine and 49th Street.
Handbook and Site rules specifically state that Parking on garden roads is strictly prohibited. Park in the parking lot or common areas only. When the emergency vehicle enters SCG, they may (I hope not) be coming to assist You. How inconvenient it would be for them to have to wait for folks to move cars.
Priority Tasks
Khaki Weed Season is Upon Us! For the uninitiated, Khaki weed is an invasive plant that infects the garden in late spring, summer, and fall. We are determined every year to eradicate it as much as possible. To this end, we are allowing digging up khaki weed to be counted as TSVBI hours until further notice.
Maintaining common paths and common areas. If you have plants extending into common paths, trim them. The common paths are designed to allow the biggest wheelbarrows that we own to traverse them unimpeded.
Weeding paths in TSBVI garden and wood chip areas on west side. (This is normally needed. Try to get out roots. Be sure to smooth out paths after weeding to facilitate TSBVI students moving around garden).
Mowing between fence and street along 49th St. and Sunshine Dr. along and 10' inside fence.
Picking up trash in compost area and along fencelines.
Cleaning the street curb gutters of dirt and debris buildup. (At places in the curb gutter along Sunshine Dr. And 49th St. soil has built up and grass is beginning to grow.
Scrape off with shovel and put in wheelbarrow. If debris is gravel it can be put in low places in the parking lot, otherwise, destination is dumpster.
Note: TSVBI hours can also count as regular hours.
Mowing, edging (Please check area around trailer and greenhouses). The mowing season is picking up (if it ever rains, it will pick up exponentially.) It's way easier to keep it mowed than try to catch up when it gets overgrown.
Maintaining common paths. (Gardeners are required to maintain a 2' strip of common paths adjacent to their plot.)
Mowing and cleaning up overgrown/messy places in common areas.
Your Zone Coordinator may have more tasks than are listed here. Contact them if you feel that you have run out of things to do.
Slow Down (3 MPH!) You're on Garden Time! Enjoy!
Weeder Content
Temporary Weeder Editors
Kerry Drake and Kristin Phillips will serve as temporary editors of the Weeder for several issues. Gardeners wanting something published in the Weeder or having a question about the Weeder should contact Kerry (kerry@sunshinecommunitygardens.org) or Kristin (phillips.102@gmail.com) by the end of Wednesday preceding publication.
Garden Thoughts
Board Meetings
Second Tuesday of every month.
Copyright © 2025 Sunshine Community Gardens
Location: 4814 Sunshine Dr. Map
Mailing Address: Sunshine Community Gardens, P.O. Box 302349, Austin, TX 78703-0040