Sunshine Weekly Weeder Newsletter
9 June 2016
If you are signed up to receive the Weekly Weeder and have not been receiving it, here is a troubleshooting page to help. If this doesn't help, please let Sharon at know. Thanks.
Micah 6 Update - SCG delivered 132 pounds of produce last week!
We are now delivering Thursdays at 3:00 PM and Saturdays at 9:00 AM. More volunteers are needed. If you are available to assist with harvesting or delivering, please let Dana Kuykendall (, 512.496.6575 or Mary Gifford (, 512.453.9742 know if you can help in any way. Volunteer hours count towards service hours.
6th Annual Tomato Tasting - This Saturday
Our 6th Annual Tomato Tasting event will be held on Saturday, June 11, from 9-11 am. Please come and taste what's ripe. We will have paper bags in the trailer so you can drop off tomatoes starting on Thursday, June 9, or bring 'em on Saturday, June 1. Please label the bag with the variety and your name (optional). If you grew potatoes and/or peppers this year and would like to show them off, please bring them to the tasting on Saturday. We will have a form you can fill out with the details of how you grew them.
We also need volunteers to help set up tables and slice tomatoes. If you're interested in volunteering, please contact Kay McMurry ( or Randy Thompson (
Gail Reese will be conducting the potato show-and-tell, which was a big hit last year. If you are participating forms are available in the trailing on the table to provide how you grew your potatoes, timing, harvest info, etc.
Steve Uecker will be in charge of the pepper tasting.
Workdays Scheduled
To help gardeners complete their service hours before the June 30 deadline, workdays are being scheduled.
- Sunday, June 12, 9:00-11:00
- Wednesday, June 15, 6:00-8:00 pm
- Saturday, June 25, 9:00-11:00 am
- Sunday, June 26, 9:00-11:00 am
The workdays will include projects which qualify for TSBVI service hours. The service hours required per season per full plot are 8 regular hours and 4 hours per half or quarter plot. All gardeners must complete 1 TSBVI hour regardless of size. Remember to record your service hours in the Green Binder on the Sunshine website.
Woods Chips / Leaves Satellite Station
A wood chips and leaves satellite station has been established on a trial basis to make accessing Sunshine's supply of wood chips and leaves more convenient for gardeners on Sunshine's north end. The station will be located in the first "drive-in" area off the east-west road at northwest end of parking lot. The tractor will be used to move the wood chips and leaves from the piles in compost area to the satellite station. The satellite station is a pilot so if you like the idea, let your zone coordinator or a board member know. Likewise, if you have concerns. If the pilot is successful, the satellite station will be made permanent.
Black Plastic for Putting Down Wood Chips on Paths
The supply of 4' x 20' sheets of black plastic to use under wood chips for common paths has been replenished. The sheets are in the tool shed by window on the right as you enter. The sheets are available to gardeners to use in laying down wood chips on common paths and paths between plots. Wood chips and black plastic will significantly suppress weeds and Bermuda grass. Putting card board or newspapers under the plastic and wood chips is even better. Some gardeners prefer just using cardboard and wood chips.
Site Rule Reminder: Gone for 2 Weeks Rule
With summer vacations beginning, gardeners are reminded that Site Rule I.D.2 states plots are not to be neglected or unattended for more than two weeks without prior notice/arrangements with the Zone Coordinator or a board member. Doing so will help prevent the plot being found to be in non-compliance. Gardeners are reminded that they can arrange to have any produce harvested for the Micah 6 Food bank.
Non-Compliant Plots
The rainy spring has resulted in some plots becoming overgrown with Bermuda grass and weeds. The site rules require gardeners not to let their plots become overgrown with weeds and to maintain a 2 foot strip of the common paths/areas bordering their plot. Gardeners with overgrown plots and/or common path/area borders will soon be sent a non-compliant plot notice. Gardeners who believe their plot may be non-compliant should contact their zone coordinator immediately about their plans to bring plot into compliance.
Weeder Content
Should you have any content to add to the Weeder email your articles or suggestions to
Officer and Zone Coordinator Contacts - Sunshine Garden
- President - Jeff Monks
- Vice President - Jim Willmann
- Secretary - Shannon Posern
- Treasurer - Caroline Limaye
- Director - Bill Cason
- Director - Lori Dobbin
- Director - Randy Thompson
Zone Coordinators
- Zone 1, Martin Morales
- Zone 2, Katy Davis
- Zone 3, Ludmila Voskov
- Zone 4, Ila Falvey
- Zone 5, Mary Gifford
- Zone 6, Charlotte Jernigan
- Zone 7, Jing Li
- Zone 8, Irina Kadukova
- Zone 9, Kerry Howell
- Zone 10, Christopher Schroder
Other Coordinators
- Weekly Weeder Newsletter - Margaret Powis
- Plant Sale - Michael Hall
- TSBVI Liason & Volunteer Coordinator - Janet Adams
- Plot Rental - Kay McMurry
- Compost Coordinator - Janet Adams
- Compost Tea - Jennifer Woertz
- Education Committee - Shannon Posern
- Carpentry & Repairs - Robert Jarry
- Water Leak Repairs - Steve Schulz
- Tools & Wheelbarrows - Bob Easter
- Compost Tea - Jennifer Woertz
- Website Coordinator - Sharon Rempert
Record Service Hours Online - the Virtual Green Binder