Sunshine Weekly Weeder Newsletter
27 August 2014
T-Shirt design contest for Sunshine Community Garden
Feeling creative???
T-shirt design guidelines:
- One color design
- Must include "Sunshine Community Garden"
- Nothing offensive
- Design to be on front of shirt
Designs need to be submitted by October 31, 2014 at midnight.
Please submit via email or in person to any Board member.
Designs will be voted on for the following five days, online, until November 5 at midnight.
If possible we will also have them available to view at the garden for your consideration.
Any questions? Contact a Board member. Contact information on the website and also in each Weeder.
T-shirts, ideally, will be ready for purchase on December 6 for our Holiday meeting/potluck/party.
Micah 6 Food pantry needs your extra vegetables.
Are you getting tired of eating okra, peppers, squash and eggplants from your garden? Consider donating them to the Micah 6 Food Pantry.
All donations are gratefully received, and go to a great cause; helping to feed those in need.
We deliver harvested vegetables to the Food Pantry on Thursday at 3 pm and Saturday at 9 am.
The vegetables can be left either in the refrigerator or the air conditioned room in the trailer.
If you need any further information, please contact Linda Francescone
Several rabbits have been spotted around the gardens. Rabbits reproduce very rapidly, like... well rabbits, and can quickly overrun the garden eating a lot of vegetables. A female can reproduce up to five or six times a year and produce up to 7 babies at a time. That's a lot of rabbits. There's no such thing as a safe sustainable number of rabbits. If you see any, or see any damage done by them contact Stuart Nichols at
Events of Interest to Gardeners
Basic Organic Vegetable Gardening
Saturday August 30th 9:00 am
Natural Gardener
Rosina Newton, Horticulturist and Education Coordinator at The Natural Gardener and owner of bioMUNDO (, presents "Organic Vegetable Gardening 101." This class will be interpreted for the deaf.
Believe it or not, now is the time to plan for the fall-winter garden! This class is for beginning gardeners - or longtime gardeners from other regions of the country who have found out how challenging it is to garden in Texas. Find out how to create successful vegetable, herb, and flower gardens in Central Texas. Learn site selection, soil preparation, fertilization and more. Rosina is a graduate of Texas A&M University in Horticulture, and has been assisting customers and serving as horticulturist at the Natural Gardener for over 17 years. She started bioMUNDO to bring more environmental and organic horticulture information to the public and professionals. This class may be slightly over one hour.
Rebates for Compost, Mulch and Aerating:
Great news! The City of Austin is offering rebates for things we should all be doing in our yards - mulching plants & trees, and aerating & topdressing our lawns. If you do all three things (according to their rules, of course) you can get as much as $180 back! Buy what you need, and be sure to keep your receipts. For rules and more details, visit the City of Austin's website.
A site with a multitude of links of interest to gardeners in Central Texas:
Vegetables to plant in August
Early to Mid month: Chinese Long Beans, Corn, Eggplant, Peppers, Southern Pea, Tomatoes, Winter Squash.
All month: Cucumber, Summer Squash.
Officer and Zone Coordinator Contacts - Sunshine Garden
- President - Ila Falvey
- Vice-President - Janet Adams
- Secretary - Ginny Heilman
- Treasurer - Jack Reynolds
- Director - Michael Hall
- Director - Kay McMurry
- Director - Linda Francescone
Zone Coordinators
- Zone 1, Jody Trendler
- Zone 2, Katy Davis
- Zone 3, Ludmila Voskov
- Zone 4, Ila Falvey
- Zone 5, Mary Gifford
- Zone 6, Charlotte Jernigan
- Zone 7, Jing Li
- Zone 8, Irina Kaducova
- Zone 9, Cheryl Hazeltine
- Zone 10, Christopher Schroder
Other Coordinators
- Weekly Weeder Newsletter - Margaret Powis
- Plant Sale - Michael Hall
- TSBVI Liason & Volunteer Coordinator - Janet Adams jartdaht@gmailcom
- Plot Rental - Kay McMurry
- Carpentry & Repairs - Robert Jarry
- Water Leak Repairs - Stewart Nichols
- Tools & Wheelbarrows - Bob Easter
- Website Coordinator - Sharon Rempert
Record Service Hours Online - the Virtual Green Binder