Sunshine Weekly Weeder Newsletter
15 September 2016
If you are signed up to receive the Weekly Weeder and have not been receiving it, here is a troubleshooting page to help. If this doesn't help, please let Sharon at know. Thanks.
Due to popular demand we have ordered another truckload of compost. It should be delivered on Thursday.
Clear the Hackberries Workday - Earn TSBVI Hours
When: Saturday 9/24, 8:00-10:30 am
On Saturday 9/24 we will be clearing the hackberries in the fence line along Sunshine Dr. and 49th St.
There will be a special effort to remove the hackberries at below ground level to "discourage" their coming back. 10-12 gardeners are needed.
They will be divided into two teams and work both sides of the fence simultaneously to get those hackberries which seem to end up on the other side of the fence.
The work will range from digging down and cutting off the hackberries below ground level to hauling the hackberries to the dumpster.
Johnson grass and other weeds will also be removed. The fence on either side of the entrance gate will be cleared of all vegetation. This work counts for TSBVI hours.
All Gardeners Meeting - Saturday
When: Saturday 9/17
- Recognize Good Lighthouse and presentation
- Financial report
- ACGA conference report from Jen Woetz, Nicole Fisher and Steve Uecker
- Plant sale
- Voting on rule changes
- Secondary gardener & Service hours for pathways
- Encroachment, one-foot buffer zone, active gardening pilot
- General Reminders / notices
- Compost area guidelines
- New zone coordinators in zone 7
Site Rule Amendments
The Sunshine board has adopted five site rule amendments which will be presented to the membership for ratification at the All Gardeners meeting on September 17. The amendments address garden operations and minimum standards for how plots are gardened to maximize the gardening experience for all Sunshine gardeners. Read additional details.
The following is a brief summary of the five amendments:
- Encroachment on Shared Borders
The layout at Sunshine Gardens means most plots have at least one shared border with another gardener. Gardeners need to be considerate of their neighbors and not encroach on these shared borders. This amendment adds a new site rule identifying the type of practices which constitute prohibited encroachment. - Maintaining One-Foot Weed Free Strip Along
Shared Borders
When a gardener fails to maintain a plot's borders shared with adjoining plots weed free, the weeds quickly become a problem for the adjoining gardener. This amendment adds failure to maintain a one-foot weed free strip along shared borders with adjoining plots to list of what constitutes non-compliance. It also makes some minor changes to process for addressing non-compliance. - Active Gardening of Plot
Sunshine Gardens fulfills its purpose of providing "opportunities for the public to engage in organic gardening" only when its members actively garden their assigned plot(s) to produce vegetable and/or ornamental crops. Currently, it is possible to maintain a plot in compliance with site rules without actively gardening the plot, but doing so is not consistent with the purpose of Sunshine Gardens. To evaluate the effectiveness of amending the site rules to require active gardening of plots, this amendment directs the board shall pilot test requiring members to actively garden their plot(s) and a process for enforcing requirement. It also defines "active gardening" for purposes of the pilot. - Secondary Gardener Becoming Primary
This amendment incorporates into the site rules the current process used by the board for a secondary gardener to become the primary gardener. Since the process affects rights of members, the board believes it should be set out in the site rules so gardeners know what the process is. - Service Hours for Maintaining Pathways
Other than Common Paths
The site rules currently permit earning service hours for "maintenance of pathways and common areas." A question has come up if term "pathways" includes pathways between adjacent plots even though not designated as a common path. This amendment clarifies that it does.
The Proposed Site Rule Changes - Editorial
by Charlotte Jernigan, Coordinator -- Zone 6
The Zone Coordinators recently worked with SCG VP Jim Willmann and the rest of the board to draft changes to the Site Rules. You will all have the opportunity to vote on these changes this coming Saturday at the September All Garden Meeting.
I wanted to take a moment to give a Zone Coordinator's perspective on these Site Rule changes and encourage you to vote YES for the changes.
I have been a Sunshine Zone Coordinator for almost 4 years and I am also a past president of the SCG. For the most part being a coordinator is a great opportunity get to know a few of my garden neighbors! On the educational side, it is a pleasure to orient new members to our zone and to pass along gardening tips and discoveries that we have made as a community during my 16-years at Sunshine.
The difficult moments of the job come when plot neighbors conflict and in the rare case where Site Rule enforcement requires the Non-Compliant Plot process to kick in.
My experience is that the more gardeners know about what is expected, what being a "good plot neighbor" means and what being "plot compliant" means, the more neighbors can respect each other and keep things reasonable without getting their Zone Coordinator and the board involved in disputes.
We put a lot of thought into the clarification, wording changes and the new "12-inch weed free border zone" changes as well as the new "active gardener" pilot program ( a one year trial of greater clarity about using your assigned plot to garden.) I hope you will support the Zone Coordinators with a YES vote on these proposed changes.
Ken Early Remembrance - May 16, 1949 - August 29, 2016
We must say a fond farewell to a longtime member of the Sunshine Community, Ken Early, who passed away on August 29, 2016 after a year long struggle to recover from multiple strokes. Ken died peacefully at home on his family farm in Coahoma, Texas. Obituary
Ken was very committed to Sunshine as a whole and to his own "double plot" in the corner of Zone 6 where he practiced the simple row-planting methods he had learned growing up in west Texas. He was an airline mechanic by profession and was the SCG mower mechanic for many years - a sometimes frustrating and thankless job since our mowers endure so much abuse! He always had a truck full of tools and was there to help with any SCG project. His email handle for the garden was "tillerman" because he offered a motorized tilling service to gardeners who did not want to hand dig their plots.
Ken was somewhat famous at the garden, during his more active years, for bringing homemade Texas peach ice cream to our summer social events. It was always yummy!
Ken was loved and admired and he will be missed by our community. Sunshine Community Gardens is establishing a fund for donations in Ken's honor to Mobile Loaves and Fishes. SCG will donate $100 and other gardeners may add to the donation by dropping checks in the office door slot or by mailing their checks to Sunshine Community Gardens, P.O. Box 302349, Austin, TX 78703-0040. All checks must be received by September 30, 2016.
For condolences to his widow, Maggy:
Maggy Bacolod
10100 South Service Road
Coahoma TX 79511
Fall Plant Sale
The seedling are doing well in the TSBVI green house. We have about 3.200 plants. Thanks everyone who helped with seed planting, transplanting and watering!
Descriptions and pictures of all the interesting plants we will be selling. Don't forget to tell all your gardening friends.
Raising Poultry at Community Gardens
When: Tuesday, September 27th, 6-:30 - 7:30 pm
Where: Deep Eddy Community Garden 300 1/2 Atlanta, Austin, TX 78703
Directions & Parking Instructions: Park on the street near the garden.
Join us for this another Coalition of Austin Community Gardens panel discussion
This is also an opportunity to visit Deep Eddy Community Garden if you have never been there. Unlike Sunshine, the soil is sandy loam.
Chickens enhance food gardens enormously: they help with pest control, provide an abundant source of organic fertilizer, and delight the gardener with a steady supply of fresh eggs. Learn how to bring these benefits to your community garden from Michelle Hernandez, founder of the Funky Chicken Coop Tour and Phil Wiley, Sara Mills, Flo Rice, and Ila Falvey, all of whom manage chicken coops at community gardens.
Panelists include:
- Michelle Hernandez, Austin's Funky Chicken Coop Tour, Austin Urban Poultry Meet-Up
- Phil Wiley, Deep Eddy Community Garden
- Sara Mills, Deep Eddy Community Garden
- Flo Rice, Deep Eddy Community Garden
- Ila Falvey, Sunshine Community Garden
Registration not required and as always, the discussion is free.
Featured Gardener Articles
If you are interested in being a featured gardener in the Weekly Weeder please fill out the survey.
Weeder Content
Should you have any content to add to the Weeder email your articles or suggestions to
Officer and Zone Coordinator Contacts - Sunshine Garden
- President - Jeff Monks
- Vice President - Jim Willmann
- Secretary - Shannon Posern
- Treasurer - Caroline Limaye
- Director - Bill Cason
- Director - Lori Dobbin
- Director - Randy Thompson
Zone Coordinators
- Zone 1, Martin Morales
- Zone 2, Katy Davis
- Zone 3, Ludmila Voskov
- Zone 4, Ila Falvey
- Zone 5, Mary Gifford
- Zone 6, Charlotte Jernigan
- Zone 7, vacant
- Zone 8, Irina Kadukova
- Zone 9, Kerry Howell
- Zone 10, Christopher Schroder
Other Coordinators
- Weekly Weeder Newsletter - Polly Porter
- Plant Sale - Michael Hall
- TSBVI Liason & Volunteer Coordinator - Janet Adams
- Plot Rental - Kay McMurry
- Compost Coordinator - Janet Adams
- Compost Tea - Jennifer Woertz
- Education Committee - Shannon Posern
- Carpentry & Repairs - Robert Jarry
- Water Leak Repairs - Steve Schulz
- Tools & Wheelbarrows - Bob Easter
- Micah 6 Coordinator - Dana Kuykendall
- Micah 6 Coordinator - Mary Gifford
- Website Coordinator - Sharon Rempert
Garden Thoughts
Board Meetings
Second Tuesday of every month.
Copyright © 2025 Sunshine Community Gardens
Location: 4814 Sunshine Dr. Map
Mailing Address: Sunshine Community Gardens, P.O. Box 302349, Austin, TX 78703-0040