17 September, 2020
If you are signed up to receive the Weekly Weeder and have not been receiving it, here is a troubleshooting page to help. If this doesn't help, please let Sharon at scgardenweb@gmail.com know. Thanks.
What Hath the Rain Wrought?
Recent rains caused a bloom of ink caps lasting only a few hours.
Update on Second Delivery of Turkey Compost
The second delivery of compost for purchase and use by gardeners was delivered by Whittlesey's Landscape on Tuesday, September 15th. Additional loads will be delivered according to demand. Buckets must be used to measure the compost and shouldn't be heaped to overflowing - keep it level with the top of the bucket. The limit is 20 buckets per full plot.
Please remember to pay for the compost you take. The compost generated by the gardens at the back of the property is still free of charge. We ask that you consider your fellow gardeners and follow the signs as to availability.
Many Thanks to JP Maestre and The Coalition of Community Gardens
Seed sharing donations at Sunshine on Saturday, 9/12/20
Sunshine's Spring Plant Sale
Sunshine Board President, Steve Uecker, sends an email asking very active Sunshine volunteers their opinions about hosting a Spring Plant Sale. Here is Steve's message to those volunteers:
"I would like to hear from all of you on your feelings about a plant sale. There are differing opinions on this but as some of the few, the proud, the people who do stuff, you are all generally in on this event more than most. Your input is needed and greatly appreciated. I won't share your input (everything has the potential for controversy at Sunshine!) but if you want it known that would be great feed back for the board too.
Normally things like seeds are ordered by late October so we need to firm up a plan. That could include a partial plant sale, one split over weekends, a large one but only with a order online pick up set up like HEB, hold people at gate ( x number in at a time) appointments, other options. Several gardens like Hays Co Master Gardners and Lady Bird's place are having sales. I have talked to some and have plans to meet with them after their sale to see how it went - lessons learned etc.
We have some ideas and some fairly solid work arounds. But it will take volunteers and a detailed approach to planning and execution of how to grow our herbs, loading, set- up etc, Online sales have some accessible platforms for us. As someone who works in public health and is part of the state response, I do have confidence we can safely have an event in some form or fashion and would welcome any technical questions you may have as well.
Health is the priority. Most of us are a little bit older so that is of prime consideration, on the other hand, with masks (more comfortable in temperate times), distance, and hygiene all taking place in a outdoor environment we can have a extremely low risk sale. A sale could be flexible to the state of the disease at the time and provide a valuable sustaining boost to our fellow gardeners here and in the surrounding community which we share.
What are your ideas? What are your major concerns? Talk to your zone peoples - what do they think?"
Gardeners: Speak to your Zone Coordinators to give them your opinion about the Spring Plant Sale. Now is the time we must decide if we want to have seedlings ready by spring.
Hand Sanitizer Available in Tool Shed
There is now hand sanitizer available in the tool shed. It's a gallon container with a self-pump on it. You will find it on the table by the door. Feel free to use it when you need it. Stay safe.
Please Remember the Following Directive From the Board: Wear Your Mask in the Toolshed! Thank you.
Help PEAS provide for AISD students
When you come home from working at Sunshine feeling good about getting your hands in the soil you understand how beneficial it is to garden. Let's extend those benefits to young AISD students in need. Buy a t-shirt and help PEAS raise funds for school gardens across Austin.
A reminder from Marsha Riti that Sunshine Community Gardens has a shiny new Slack group!
To help gardeners connect virtually we have created a brand new Sunshine Community Gardens Slack group. (What's Slack? It's a private online community chat forum and messaging app)
Check out the Sunshine Community Gardens Slack group and engage with your fellow garden friends!
Weeder Content
Please email your article or suggestion to Holly Gilman by end of day Wednesday.
Officer and Zone Coordinator Contacts - Sunshine Gardens
- President- Steve Uecker steven_uecker@hotmail.com
- Vice-President - James "Jim" Willmann jhwillmann@gmail.com
- Secretary - Kerry Drake kerryadrake@gmail.com
- Treasurer - Caroline Limaye scgtreasurer1@gmail.com
- Director - Kay McMurry scg.plots@gmail.com
- Director - Marsha Riti marshariti@gmail.com
- Director - Doug Zullo dugzoo@gmail.com
Email the board.
Zone Coordinators
- Zone 1, Susan Wallar swallar@gmail.com
- Zone 2, Wayne Kuenstler wckuenstler@gmail.com
- Zone 3, Ludmila Voskov lvoskov@austin.rr.com
- Zone 4, Ila Falvey ila.falvey@gmail.com
- Zone 5, Mary Gifford mgifford@austin.rr.com
- Zone 6, Charlotte Jernigan charlotte@cybermesa.com
- Zone 7, Jeff Schulz chilihead.schulz@gmail.com
- Zone 8, Steve Uecker steven_uecker@hotmail.com
- Zone 9, Kerry Howell casonhowell@gmail.com
- Zone 10, Christopher Schroder
christopher.s.schroder@gmail.com &
Karl Arcuri karl.w.arcuri@gmail.com
Other Personnel
- Weekly Weeder Newsletter - Holly Gilman hollyjgilman@gmail.com
- Plant Sale - Randy Thompson & Janet Adams jartdaht@gmailcom
- TSBVI Liaison & Volunteer Coordinator - Janet Adams jartdaht@gmailcom
- Plot Assignment - Kay McMurry scg.plots@gmail.com
- Compost Coordinator - Janet Adams jartdaht@gmail.com
- Carpentry & Repairs - Robert Jarry r.jarry@sbcglobal.net
- Water Leak Repairs - Steve Schulz sschulz784@aol.com
- Tools & Wheelbarrows - Bob Easter bob@easterandeaster.com
- Gas Mowers - Ray Porter Gasmowers@icloud.com
- Cordless Mowers/Trimmers - Steve Camp stcole431@yahoo.com
- Kitchen Supplies - Anita Keese
(If supplies are needed for events, contact by email or at 512-773-2178) - Compost Tea -
- Micah 6 - Dana Kuykendall kuykendall@austin.rr.com
- Micah 6 - Mary Gifford mgifford@austin.rr.com
- Website Coordinator - Sharon Rempert scgardenweb@gmail.com
Record Service Hours Online - Green Binder
Garden Thoughts
Board Meetings
Second Tuesday of every month.
Copyright © 2025 Sunshine Community Gardens
Location: 4814 Sunshine Dr. Map
Mailing Address: Sunshine Community Gardens, P.O. Box 302349, Austin, TX 78703-0040