26 September 2019
If you are signed up to receive the Weekly Weeder and have not been receiving it, here is a troubleshooting page to help. If this doesn't help, please let Sharon at scgardenweb@gmail.com know. Thanks.
The First Annual Khaki Weedout and Barbecue was a great success
The First Annual Khaki Weedout and Barbecue was a great success. Thank you to everyone who participated in this enjoyable event and a special thank you to Martin Morales who smoked the most delicious pork and chicken in his "rig" for hours in the heat. I heard murmurs of the "best ever gathering" at Sunshine.
Despite the hot weather, several gardeners attended the First Annual Khaki Weedout on September 21st. Much of the obnoxious khaki weed met its fate in the SCG dumpster.
For those of you who couldn't make it, there is no more delicious food but there is still khaki weed for you to pull and dispose of in the dumpster.
Sharon Flourney (former Sunshine Gardener) writes:
"I am a former Sunshine Gardens gardener and I am currently serving on the Advocacy Committee of Travis Audubon Society." Sharon is leaving a Petition to Congress concerning the Endangered Species Act in the Garden Office for those of you wishing to sign. The purpose of the petition drive is outlined below.
Petition to Congress Concerning the Endangered Species Act
The Center for Biological Diversity is coordinating a petition drive, targeted to Congressional leaders. urging them to create legislation for enforcing the Endangered Species Act (ESA). A House of Representatives bill, entitled the Paw & Fin Conservation Act (H.R. 4348), would direct the executive branch in its actions concerning the ESA. There is concern that our current administration is interpreting the act in ways that will reduce the protections for endangered animals and plants in favor of commercial interests.
If you are interested in signing the above petition, please do so before October 7th when Sharon will collect it.
Zilker Botanical Garden Upcoming Events
September 26th, 2019 - "Herbs: From Garden to Kitchen" with Judith Craft
Garden Club of Austin's Monthly Meeting 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Come join The Garden Club of Austin's for their monthly meeting and program: "Herbs - From Garden to Kitchen". Judith Craft, Master Gardener and long-time member of the Herb Society of Austin will be on hand to demonstrate and discuss various herbs; their ideal growing environment and culinary uses. All are welcome - gardening newbies and seasoned gardeners alike. And if you are new to Central Texas, this club is a great place to get helpful information on what to successfully plant and grow in your yard or on your patio or balcony.
Check out The Garden Club of Austin's website.
For more info, check out our Facebook event.
September 28th, 2019 Get Dirty with Natural Building
Zilker Botanical Garden -- 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Join Natural Neighborhoods at their "Get Dirty with Natural Building" event! Somethings to help build will be: Create English Cob aka mud patties, and help sculpt the new bench, Bolster the sapling wattle fort with a cob paneling, and Chisel life size Lincoln logs for the Children's Log Cabin Nature Maker Space! This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department.
Cost: Free with garden admission
Check out the Natural Neighborhoods' website.
For more info, check out our Facebook event.
Travis county agrilife extension service
Join Us for Earth-Kind Gardening Field Day September 28th
Posted: 04 Sep 2019 03:14 PM PDT
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and Travis County Master Gardeners invite you to visit the Earth-Kind Demonstration Garden on September 28th, 9 am to 2 pm at the Travis County AgriLife Extension Service, 1600 Smith Road, Austin TX 78721.
Free and open to the public, this fun, hands-on field day involves community members in creative, low-cost ways to grow vegetables, herbs, and fruit to improve the family diet, as well as information about Earth-Kind landscaping.
The field day features an assortment of DIY and demonstration activities, including tool sharpening, composting, grow boxes, and garden art, and information about drip irrigation methods, water conservation, rainwater harvesting, vegetable gardening, Texas Superstar plants and Integrated Pest Management. There are several activities for kids, including an insect identification scavenger hunt. Travis County Master Gardeners are on hand to answer questions and identify plants in the garden. A limited supply of Earth-Kind plants and fall vegetable starts will be available for purchase. Field Day participants also get the chance to sign up for a free rain barrel giveaway.
Workshop Schedule
- 9 am. Compost Bin Construction. Participants will assemble a 3-bin wood and wire composting system on site. Sign up here.
- 11 am. Build a Grow Box. This will be a demonstration on how to construct a grow box, and a hands-on workshop for those wanting to make a smaller grow bucket. Grow Boxes are self-watering, low maintenance gardening containers for small spaces. They are reusable, last for 5 years or more, and are great for vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers. Sign up here.
- 1 pm. Plant a tree with Tom Spencer, Executive Director of TreeFolks. Sign up here.
- 9 am - 1 pm - Bring a gardening hand tool & learn how to clean and sharpen it (no RSVP required)
- 9 am - 1 pm - Construct a bee house (no RSVP required)
Be sure to meet your Travis County AgriLife Extension Agents: Daphne Richards County Extension Agent - Horticulture (and Augie too); Noel Troxclair County Extension Agent - Agriculture and Natural Resources; bring your bug questions to Wizzie Brown Extension Program Specialist- IPM.
For more information, visit our website or call 512-854-9600.
Note about Highway 183 construction. We suggest Airport Boulevard or 7th Street as preferred routes to the AgriLife office.
Visit the Central Texas Horticulture website.
Weeder Content
Please email your article or suggestion to Holly Gilman by end of day Wednesday.
Officer and Zone Coordinator Contacts - Sunshine Gardens
- President- Steve Uecker steven_uecker@hotmail.com
- Vice-President - James "Jim" Willmann jhwillmann@gmail.com
- Secretary - Noelle Letteri nletteri@yahoo.com
- Treasurer - Caroline Limaye scgtreasurer1@gmail.com
- Director - Linda Booker lindaruthbooker@gmail.com
- Director - Jeff Taylor kscjtaylor@prodigy.net
- Director - Randy Thompson jartdaht@gmail.com
Email the board.
Zone Coordinators
- Zone 1, Susan Wallar swallar@gmail.com
- Zone 2, Wayne Kuenstler wckuenstler@gmail.com
- Zone 3, Ludmila Voskov lvoskov@austin.rr.com
- Zone 4, Ila Falvey ila.falvey@gmail.com
- Zone 5, Mary Gifford mgifford@austin.rr.com
- Zone 6, Charlotte Jernigan charlotte@cybermesa.com
- Zone 7, Jeff Schulz chilihead.schulz@gmail.com
- Zone 8, Steve Uecker steven_uecker@hotmail.com
- Zone 9, Kerry Howell casonhowell@gmail.com
- Zone 10, Christopher Schroder
christopher.s.schroder@gmail.com &
Karl Arcuri karl.w.arcuri@gmail.com
Other Personnel
- Weekly Weeder Newsletter - Holly Gilman hollyjgilman@gmail.com
- Plant Sale - Randy Thompson & Janet Adams jartdaht@gmailcom
- TSBVI Liaison & Volunteer Coordinator - Janet Adams jartdaht@gmailcom
- Plot Assignment - Kay McMurry scg.plots@gmail.com
- Compost Coordinator - Janet Adams jartdaht@gmail.com
- Carpentry & Repairs - Robert Jarry r.jarry@sbcglobal.net
- Water Leak Repairs - Steve Schulz sschulz784@aol.com
- Tools & Wheelbarrows - Bob Easter beaster1@austin.rr.com
- Kitchen Supplies - Anita Keese
(If supplies are needed for events, contact by email or at 512-773-2178) - Compost Tea - Jennifer Woertz jen@enjeneer.com
- Micah 6 - Dana Kuykendall kuykendall@austin.rr.com
- Micah 6 - Mary Gifford mgifford@austin.rr.com
- Website Coordinator - Sharon Rempert scgardenweb@gmail.com
Record Service Hours Online - Green Binder
Garden Thoughts
Board Meetings
Second Tuesday of every month.
Copyright © 2025 Sunshine Community Gardens
Location: 4814 Sunshine Dr. Map
Mailing Address: Sunshine Community Gardens, P.O. Box 302349, Austin, TX 78703-0040