Sunshine Weekly Weeder Newsletter
28 October 2016
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Featured Gardener - Charlotte Jernigan
Charlotte - She has been gardening at SCG for 16 years!
Charlotte's favorate things about gardening at SCG:
- Having friends I have known for almost two decades
- The evening dusk at SCG, just as the sun is setting, and the birds are ecstatically happy, and so am I!
- Learning about putting nutrition (like trace minerals) into my food through my soil into the plants
- learning how to increase 'sustainability', year after year, in one small plot, by using 'low till' and 'soil food web' methods.
More about Charlotte:
She is a big advocate for 'going the extra mile' at Sunshine. She is a Zone Coordinator, organizes the music/entertainment every year for the SCG Spring Plant Sale and is a frequent comtributor to the Weeder. She formerly traveled the world as an executive in the computer software industry but elected to go for a mid-life career change after her mother died from an auto-immune disease in 1994. For almost 20 years she has been self-employed as a certified health practitioner (Ayurveda, indigenous medicine of India.) As a contractor, she also teaches Plant-Based Cuisine to professional chefs at the Natural Epicurean chef school in south Austin.
Charlotte practices 'low-till' gardening in her plot. This is her 4th year of 'low till', out of 16 years at SCG, and am finding it very effective. This methodology is based on the newer thinking in agricultural science which has proven that increased yields and better plant health can be achieved if soil layers are maintained and emphasis is placed on development and preservation of the soil-food-web. This is done by not excessively disturbing the colonies of bacteria and fungi which are very delicately aligned with the soil layers and the previous crop's root systems.
Herbed Holiday Vinegars and Garden Gift Making Workshop
Sunday Oct 30, 11:AM - 1:00PM
It's time to harvest all those lovely garden herbs and put them to work making flavored vinegars, perfect for holiday gift giving or just keep them for your own kitchen! Come to Sunshine Gardens on Sunday, Oct 30 - from 11AM till 1PM (outside if the weather is nice, or in the trailer if not,,,) to see how to make herbed vinegars and other garden type holiday gifts and decorations. Gardener Gail Reese will bring various sample herbal vinegars that are "making", sample bottles, labels, etc. for final packaging, as well as ideas for using dehydrators and garden produce for holiday decorations. While we don't have the facilities to have a hands on preparation session, instructions will be provided for producing your own herbal vinegars, garden gifts, etc. Everyone is welcome to bring their own ideas and samples for show and tell also! The session will go for two hours, so feel free to stop by for the whole time or take a gardening break and drop by for a short look and see! Contact Gail at 512 451-0913 if any questions.
Gardeners Night Out is Back!
When: Saturday, Nov 5th, 4:00
Where: Draught House Pub and Brewery
Our last get-together was a lot of fun and well-attended, and many who attended are asking for a repeat, so let's do it again!
Join us for a fun night out. This is a great opportunity to get out and meet your plot neighbors in a laid back setting. The whole family is welcome to come along, there'll be free bratwursts and plenty of amazing brews to choose from. We'll have balloons set up at one of the outdoor picnic tables to make it easier for everyone to find each other. We hope to see you there!
Please feel free to contact either Kellyn Smith or Steve Uecker with any questions.
What to do in your garden in November
The average first frost date in our area is November 15.
Vegetable Seeds: EARLY NOVEMBER - Mustard, Radish, Spinach
Vegetable plants: Lettuce, Mustard and other Greens, Peas, Spinach
Herb plants: Cilantro, Dill, Fennel, Parsley and all perennial herbs such as Chives and Oregano
Annual flower/ornamental seeds: Sweet Alyssum, Calendula, Centaurea, Coreopsis, Delphinium, Larkspur, Linaria, Nemesia, Poppy, Snapdragon, Sweet Pea, Johnny Jump-Up (Viola)
Annual flower/ornamental plants: Dusty Miller, Flowering Kale and Cabbage, Nicotiana, Pansy, Snapdragon, Sweet Pea.
Featured Gardener Articles
If you are interested in being a featured gardener in the Weekly Weeder please fill out the survey.
Weeder Content
Should you have any content to add to the Weeder email your articles or suggestions to
Officer and Zone Coordinator Contacts - Sunshine Gardens
- President - Jeff Monks
- Vice President - Jim Willmann
- Secretary - Shannon Posern
- Treasurer - Caroline Limaye
- Director - Bill Cason
- Director - Lori Dobbin
- Director - Randy Thompson
Email the board.
Zone Coordinators
- Zone 1, Martin Morales
- Zone 2, Katy Davis
- Zone 3, Ludmila Voskov
- Zone 4, Ila Falvey
- Zone 5, Mary Gifford
- Zone 6, Charlotte Jernigan
- Zone 7, Maria and Philip Wiley,
- Zone 8, Irina Kadukova
- Zone 9, Kerry Howell
- Zone 10, Christopher Schroder &
Karl Arcuri
Other Personnel
- Weekly Weeder Newsletter - Polly Porter
- Plant Sale - Vacant
- TSBVI Liaison & Volunteer Coordinator - Janet Adams jartdaht@gmailcom
- Plot Assignment - Kay McMurry
- Compost Coordinator - Janet Adams
- Education Committee - Shannon Posern
- Carpentry & Repairs - Robert Jarry
- Water Leak Repairs - Steve Schulz
- Tools & Wheelbarrows - Bob Easter
- Kitchen Supplies - Anita Keese
(If supplies are needed for events, contact by email or at 512-773-2178) - Compost Tea - Jennifer Woertz
- Website Coordinator - Sharon Rempert